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Article – Journal of Nanoscience and Technology

Journal of Nanoscience and Technology, Volume 5,Issue 4,2019 Pages 793-796

Eco-Friendly Microwave Assisted Approach: Synthesis of CdO/Polyacrylonitrile and CdO/ Poly(Butyl Methacrylate) Nanocomposites and Their Thermal Studies
Devendra Kumar*, Hari Shankar


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CdO nanoparticles, polyacrylonitrile, poly(butyl methacrylate) polymers have been synthesized by using green chemistry approach. Thereafter synthesized polymers were fabricated into nanocomposites by mixing nanoparticles to the polymers again using green chemistry protocol. Formation of CdO nanoparticles was confirmed by FT-IR and UV–Visible spectral data. The sizes of nanoparticles were determined by P-XRD and TEM analysis. P-XRD and TEM images of nanoparticles indicated that size of most of the nanoparticles lies in the range 5.74 – 22.25 nm. Formation of polymers and nanocomposites was confirmed by IR spectral studies. Morphology of nanocomposites was determined by SEM analysis. The thermal stability of polymers and nanocomposites was determined by TGA/DTA and found that the thermal stability of CdO/PAN & CdO/PBMA nanocomposites increased as compared to their polymers.

Keywords: Polyacrylonitrile; Poly(Butyl Methacrylate); Microwave-Assisted Synthesis;

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