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Editors – Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research

Editor in Chief

Dr.V.Veeraputhiran, Ph.D.,


Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research,

111/57 P State Bank Colony, Main Road,

Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India.

Email: jpmreditor@gmail.com

Mobile: +91 9943365389

Board Directors

Prof. M.N. Ibrahim Abdulsalam, Ph.D.,

Faculty of Science,
Garyounis University,
Benghazi, Libya.

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Prof. Dr. Amgad M. Rabie, Ph.D.,

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry,
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Mansoura University,
Mansoura, Egypt.

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Prof. Lokendra Kumar Ojha, Ph.D.,

Regional College of Education,
(A Constitute Unit of NCERT, New Delhi),
Bhopal, MP, India.

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Prof. Bharat Makwana, Ph.D.,

HVHP Post Graduate & Research Institute,
S.V. Campus, KSV University,
Kadi, Gujarat, India.

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Prof. M. Seenuvasan, Ph.D.,

Head, Dept. of Petrochemical Engg.,
SVS College of Engineering,
Coimbatore, TN, India.

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Prof. L. Mallesha, Ph.D.,

Dept of Chemistry,
JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science,
Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

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Dr. Suresh Venkateswaran, Ph.D.,

Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC, USA.

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Prof. M. Rajan, Ph.D.,

Dept. of Natural Products,
School of Chemistry,
Madurai Kamarajar University,
Madurai, TN, India.

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Prof. Priyatama Vijaysing Powar,

Pharmaceutics Department,
Ashokrao Mane College of Pharmacy,
Pethvadgaon, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

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Prof. K. Karthik Kumar, Ph.D.,

Department of Chemistry,
The American College,
Madurai, TN, India.

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Prof. E. Sundaravadivel, Ph.D.,

Dept. of Chemistry,
SRM University (Vadapalani),
Chennai, TN, India.

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Prof. E. Rajalakshmanan, Ph.D.,

Department of Biomedical Sciences and Research Institute,
Sri Ramachandra University,
Porur, Chennai, India.

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Dr. Jin Wang, Ph.D.,

Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences,
College of Pharmacy,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
, Oklahoma City, USA.

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Prof. V. Gomathinayagam, M.Phil.,

Department of Chemistry,
The MDT Hindu College,
Tirunelveli, TN, India.

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Journal of Pharmaceutical and
Medicinal Research