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Journal of Advanced Physical Sciences (JAPS)
Journal of Advanced Physical Sciences - JAPS is an international open access journal appearing quarterly for publication of current research in all fundamental and interdisciplinary areas of physics Read More..

ISSN: (Print)

ISSN:Applied (online)
Sample Article Author Guidelines

About the Journal – Journal of Advanced Physical Sciences

Journal of Advanced Physical SciencesJAPS is an international open access peer reviewed journal appearing quarterly for publication of current research in all fundamental and interdisciplinary areas of physicsmaterials science, and applied physics. Papers of a theoretical, computational, and experimental nature are all welcome.

Regular research papers, letters and review articles with contents meeting the scope of the journal will be considered for publication after peer review.

The journal allows free online access to its contents, which is likely to attract more readers and citations to articles published in JAPS.


The journal publishes refereed papers covering current research in Physics in the following category
Astrophysics Relativity & Cosmology
Atmospheric and Space physics Statistical Physics
Solar Physics Functional surfaces and coatings
Chemical physics Surface nanotechnology and devices
Atomic & Molecular Physics Semiconductors
Biophysics Biointerfaces
Condensed Matter & Materials Physics Structural properties of solids
General & Interdisciplinary Physics Nanodevice Fabrication
Nonlinear dynamics & Complex Systems Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering
Nuclear Physics Thin films and multilayers
Optics and Spectroscopy Amorphous materials and nanostructures
Particle Physics Surface Science and Engineering
Plasma Physics Nanophysics